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CReA was founded in 2003 as a non-profit cultural association, with the aim of promoting training, cultural and research activities in the field of colture/interculture, antidiscrimination, environment and personal services. It became a non-profit organization in 2013. It is made up of professionals active in the field of education and support for children and adolescents, is committed to promoting the integration of people with any kind of differences and disadvantages and to preventing and reducing any type of discrimination. The associates, both immigrant and italian, have always worked in the area of interculture, integration of migrants and social well-being, carrying out planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, supervision in the context of actions in favour of immigrants. Since April 2007 it has been registered in the Precidency of the Council among the entities that operate in favour of immigrants and in September 2012 was registered in Lazio region. In 2004 had started a long involvement with the Immigrant Coordination, through which CReA became in September 2006 the representative of the Associations in the Technical Committee of the RM G5 Social-Health District in the Province of Rome. It is also representative of the steering group for social exclusion in the Social-healt district RM H.




CReA onlus promotes initiatives that aimed at promoting  a culture of solidarity and respect, in collaboration with public and private bodies. Initially operating with planning activities in support of external bodies and with social communication initiatives on immigration, CReA has increased over the years its direct engagement with migrants in the provincial territory on the east of Rome, making its professionalism available to local services.

The association uses an approach based on the sharing of aims and projects, working for the construction of social well-being in a true intercultural way. The activities and services that we offer are characterized by a close connection with the territory, through the adoption of an open method of coordination and a bottom-up approach, in the definition and implementation of intervention strategies based on the actual needs of the recipients and deeply rooted in the local reality.We focus on:
-Intercultural mediation
-Cognitive enhancement (Feuerstein Program)
-Professional training and updating
-Workshops to contrast racial and ethnic discrimination
-Teaching italian as a second language (L2)

Our team


Paola Berbeglia
I’ve been dealing with disadvantage fot ethnic and cognitive reasons for many years and, step by step, I have strengthened the ability to enhance and motivate people to partecipate in a life project that improves the place where we all live, regardless of our origin. I’m an anthropologist with a PhD in Experimental Pedagogy, I obtained the qualification of mediator and evaluator of the Feuerstein Program for metacognitive enhancement. I deal with educational research, inclusion,training in the educational and socio-anthropological fields. I am an activist for a popular and civil Europe, international educationl leader of the C20 in 2020. I’ve done fieldwork, both in Africa and in several european countries, I’ve been also an italian delegate at the European Civic Forum. I’m  the Lazio region’s scientific Coordinator and consultant for social and labor inclusion of migrants. I’m also a board member of CONCORD Italy and Europe, actively involved in Global Citizenship Education. Since 2011 I’ve been vice president of CIPSI and since 2006 president of CReA association.


Federica Farano
Board member
I was born on 19th October 1988 in Latina. I studied Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and then International Sciences-Development and Global Cooperation. For several years I’ve been collaborating with CReA, my first concrete experience at the association was the civil service, which I carried out between 2017 and 2018. My work mainly deals with secretariat and administration services and since 2018 I am an italian L2 teacher.

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Ilaria Signoriello
Board member
I was born on 4th February 1980 in Lanuvio. I’ve studied Sciences and Institutions for Development Cooperation. Since 2006 I’ve been collaborating with Agricolture Capodarco and CIPSI, combining international and social cooperation which finds its perfect synthesis in social agricolture, that constitutes my field of application over the last 10 years. CReA represents for me a great place for experimentation of innovative polices and interventions, where human rights, the 2030 agenda and the millennium development goals find a practical application and translate into concrete projects both at local,national and European level.


Aurora Berbeglia
Board member
I was born on 14th February 1998 in Rome. I study Anthropology at Sapienza University. But other than that, I work as educatur at CReA association and I’m also a Scout volunteer. The common thread that connects my commitment to my future projects is the desire to be a part of an inclusive reality that offers everyone, even those who are disadvantages, the same possibilities and perspectives for the future. CReA for me represents a great  possibility of personal and professional growth and a place in which I can improve myself. CReA offers the opportunity to develop ideas and projects that concretize the vision of global education and citizenship, but above all it represents a reality that involves everyone in first person.


Fouzia Sonni
Board member
I was born in Marocco, Casablanca. After grautuating from high school, I worked in the trade sector, menaging various showrooms, this experience has implemented my interpersonal and socialization skills. I arrived in Italy in 1993, I learned Italian and I started to work, opening a call center frequented by different communities and cultures. In 2011 I started my training course with CReA onlus Association which led me to carry out my current profession of intercultural mediator. I Currently collaborate with CReA association as an integral and active part of it

Institutional documents



​Statute with minutes of approval

Balance Sheet:


2019 financial statements with minutes of approval


2018 balance sheet with minutes of approval and renewal of social charges


R2017 balance sheet with minutes of approval


Received Funds from PA:


Receipts from PA 2020 sums disbursed to menagment  and control bodies

Receipts from PA 2019 sums disbursed to menagment  and control bodies

IReceipts from PA 2018 sums disbursed to menagment  and control bodies

Project Document Erasmus + Widht


Io1 - Data collection


Io2 - Toolkit


Io3 - Toolkit


Io4 - Guidelines in italian


Policy recommendations


Io4 - Guidelines in english


Io6 - Map and catalogue


Io4 - Toolkit