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Cipsi is a national cooperation, born in 1982, which includes 37 associations (OSC) operating in the field of solidarity and international cooperation. The aim of CIPSI is to promote and coordinate, in total independence from any political or religious orientation, the national awareness campaigns, solidarity initiatives, SCUs and projects based on a partership approach. It operates as an instrument of political, cultural and planning coordination, with the aim of promoting a new culture of solidarity.



CONCORD ITALIA is the italian platform in connection with CONCORD, the European Confederation that represents 2600 NGOs and civil society associations that deal with development cooperation and humanitarian aid. This body has gained in recent years a credible and legitimate role in the representation of European civil society involved in development issues at the Community institutions, in particular the Parliament and the Commission and many member states.
CONCORD EU is the European Confederation of Relief and Development NGOs. We are made up of member organizations representing over 2600 NGOs and are supported by millions of citizens across Europe.
We are the main interlocutor with the EU institutions on development policy. We are a member-led organization, which means that the members give the strategic direction of the Confederation.




The AOI is born as an Association of Italian NGOs. In 2013 was trasformed into a new social representation on initiative of all the members of the italian NGO Association: the Association of Italian organizations of international cooperation and solidarity (AOI).
AOI has been the promoter and supporter of CONCORD ITALIA, a platform that represents the Italian NGO of development, solidarity and international cooperation at the confederation of Concord Europe.
